Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hey everybody, just wanted to let you know this blog is moving! Click here to be redirected to the new blog - don't worry, it's pretty much the same, just a new title:

Amanda Mae Images



Monday, January 9, 2012

every job is a Gift

 I had the opportunity to go home for two weeks over Christmas - home to the good old Midwest where life somehow seems to be just a bit simpler in a healthy, free way. Back at my parent's farm in Wisconsin, sitting in my mom's warm sunny kitchen swirling with the scent of baking bread and fresh coffee, I took time to slow down and start piecing together some fragmented thoughts and reflections.

While home, I had the chance to see and talk to some of you, my readers, and I cannot tell you just how thankful I am for your encouragement and feedback. Through your questions and inquiries of how my life out in Oregon is going and how photography is coming along, I began to come to this very important realization:

Every job is a Gift.

Someone once asked why I don't separate my photography blog from my writing blog. This is a good question and I've thought about it for some time. The truth is this: I must give praise where it's due. Each job I'm given is a gift from God, His provision and His faithfulness amaze me. It may sound kinda silly, but I am so grateful for and cherish each opportunity I have to do photography. It brings me joy and my hope is that it brings others joy as well. Truly, each success is God's favor and Him choosing to Bless this little photography business. Already I'm excited about this coming year, I think it's going to be the best yet!

For those of you who've trusted me with the honor of being your photographer, thank you. For those of you who have written or spoken encouragement, those who've patiently listened as I jabbered on about random photography tangents, and those who have challenged and pushed me to pursue my dreams, thank you.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lyndsay Rae & Joe's Engagement Session

Loved the chance to hang with Lyndsay Rae and Joe during their engagement session and this makes me super excited to photograph their wedding in a few months - Awesome couple!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Tulum Wedding - Mexico

With their four closest friends by their side, Steve and Geena said their vows as the sun set over white sand beaches and blue topaz water, igniting the sky in an array of golden tones. They couldn't ask for a more perfect setting then Tulum, Mexico to begin their lives together. It was an honor to photograph this beautiful event and to be a witness at this small, intimate wedding ceremony.

And, to my absolute delight, MyPublisher has asked to feature some of these wedding photos on their website!

Here are a few of my favorite shots...Enjoy!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ranstads :: Fall

Dereck, Sara, Halle & Brady

Dereck and Sara we kind enough to let me crash their Thanksgiving, and it was so fun! Between Sara's incredible cooking, the countless hours of competitive Speed Scrabble, Setters, Ticket to Ride, and some rather embarrassing rounds of Just Dance on the Wii, we snapped a few pictures. Thank you so much Sara & Dereck for letting me be a part of your holiday!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mark, Laura & Jackson

Jackson, Mark and Laura's little guy, has the sweetest and most contagious smile!